So why Cuppa PLUS?

When you think of the word cuppa, a scene comes to mind of people sitting sharing a cup of tea or coffee (and maybe a biscuit or cake) and chatting together. It symbolises what we are focused on, helping people get out and about and socialising.

Humans are social creatures and without that social connection there are terrible impacts on the social, mental, physical and emotional well being of individuals and our community in general.

Social isolation is therefore a well recognised issue in our community, and there is much work being done and funding being provided by governments and other organisations.

There are not only health issues for individuals but significant costs to them and society in general as a result of social isolation.

So, the humble cuppa is a simple and very effective way of starting to reduce that terrible impact that social isolation has on individuals and the community, especially on Seniors.

A cuppa will be a part of all the activities and events which we will be doing through our Active Living Programs to help people just sit and have a chat for a little while. It will not only be about the cup of tea or coffee, but so much more,

So Cuppa PLUS Inc.


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